Pain When Mouthwash Using Mouthwash, Is the Meaning Effective?

Mouthwash aka mouthwash is useful to help clean the oral cavity. Unfortunately, some people are reluctant to use mouthwash because of a burning or burning sensation in the mouth. Though there are also those who say that the appearance of pain means the antiseptic and antibacterial content is working against germs and plaque. Is that right? Let's straighten the facts.

What are the benefits of mouthwash?
According to drg. Sri Angky Soekanto, Ph.D., PBO, Chair of the Indonesian Dentist College (KDGI), mouthwash has the function of preventing the formation of plaques in the gums and teeth and reducing harmful germs in the oral cavity. Piles of plaque and germs in the oral cavity can increase the risk of gum disease.

Unlike toothbrushes, mouthwash can reach areas that cannot be thoroughly cleaned when brushing teeth.

Furthermore, drg. Sri Angky, who also serves as a lecturer at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia, also explained that with a clean and plaque-free mouth, you will avoid bad breath.

That's why you are advised to rinse mouthwash twice a day to complete your toothbrush ritual.

Pain when gargling with mouthwash, meaning effective?
Many believe that when mouthwash is sore in the mouth, it means that the antiseptic or antibacterial content is working against germs and bad bacteria. So, the pain is even more effective mouthwash.

Then what does the dentist say about this? According to the explanation of drg. Sri Angky to the Hello Sehat team on Friday (9/11), the pain was not necessarily meant that the mouthwash was working effectively.

"Pain or not is only us professionals (dentists) who can determine why," said drg. Sri Angky. He continued, "The condition of each person is different. Moreover, the content of the mouthwash is also very diverse. "So according to thrifty drg. Sri Angky, it is not right if we believe that getting sicker means that the mouthwash is more effective germination.

If you feel uncomfortable because of pain and heat, you should immediately stop using it and consult a doctor.

Why rinse mouthwash with pain?
Actually what makes mouthwash sore is its alcohol content. Indeed, not all mouthwashes contain alcohol. The alcohol content in each product also varies. So, there are some products that make the mouth sore, some don't.

Be careful if your mouthwash feels too sore. Because the mouthwash may not be suitable for you. Reporting from Everyday Health, if the alcohol content is too high, your canker sores can get worse. In addition, a very high alcohol content has the risk of causing side effects, namely dry mouth.

So, choose the mouthwash that works best for you, don't force yourself to use products that are too sore. If rinsing with just plain water still feels sore, immediately go to the dentist. You may experience bleeding gums which are a symptom of gum disease.

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